Our Story

We are a Mexican family living in the US who love to represent our CULTURE and RAZA. With our products we stay connected to our traditions and hope to bring you closer to yours as well. 
Our products are handmade by Mexican hands and hearts and by shopping at BENDITA you are not only helping our family but also supporting hard working men and women in Mexico who hand make your items.
About our FOUNDER.
My name is Jazmin Lopez and I have been a STAY AT HOME MOM since my daughter was born in 2020. With a newborn and COVID it was the perfect time for me to stay home with the kiddos. With some extra time on my hands this project was born. I had the idea, logo and theme but never actually followed through because, well, LIFE.
Being a SAHM for the last 3 years is a wonderful privilege but oh man is it hard! Deciding to go back to work seemed amazing but I wasn't ready to leave my little one just yet so my loving husband pushed me to start my own small business and actually see it through this time.

So here I am; working from home and very grateful you are here. 

These products represent me, my family and my culture and am hoping they bring you as much joy as they bring me. Again, thank you for supporting my small business. Hope to see you again soon!

                                With love and appreciation,
